Choose your roles:

- Use defensives on Zolramus Gatekeeper's
Wrath of Zolramus
- Make sure to quickly top people hit by
Throw Flesh

- Use
Bear Formif targeted by
Heaving Retch.
- You can use
Ursol's Vortexto help with the adds.
- The healing requirements for this fight are low so you should be able to spend most of your time doing damage. Just make sure to top people hit by
Heaving Retch.
- People might need
Ironbarkif they don't have defensives when targeted by
Heaving Retch.
Amarth, The Harvester
- Help with interrupting the adds using
Solar Beam,
Ursol's Vortexand
Incapacitating Roarwhen they're gathered.
- Make sure to heal
Tortured Echoesand help with the interrupts during the rest of the fight.

Surgeon Stitchflesh
- Use
Barkskinif targeted by
- One single
Festering Rotcan be healed with passive healing. Make sure to have hots up for when Surgeon Stitchfleshcomes down and then help DPS him. You can cover the required healing using your treants.

Nalthor the Rimebinder
- Use
Icebound Aegis
- You can shapeshift to remove
Frozen Binds
- The healing requirements for this fight are low so you should be able to spend most of your time doing damage.