
King Rastakhan



This fight has 4 phases, and each phase has a slightly different tank swap mechanic. During all phases, one person will be tanking Rastakhan, and the other will either be tanking adds or Bwonsamdi.

In Phase 1, you will be swapping on Siegebreaker Roka’s Crushing Leap.

In Phase 2, you will be swapping on Rastakhan’s Scorching Detonation. Since you will be running out to reduce the damage from the cast, use this opportunity to get close to Bwonsamdi so you can taunt right away.

In Phase 3, you will likely be swapping on the Phantom of Rage’s Necrotic Smash. Note that during testing, it was possible for certain tanks (Warriors, Monks, Demon Hunters) to dodge the smash entirely. If this is feasible on live, this will be the optimal strat (you as a Druid will be tanking Rastakhan full time). If not, just tank swap as normal.

In Phase 4, you will continue swapping on Scorching Detonation.

Catweavable: No.